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Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Action Plan and accountability for Canada Research Chairs

In keeping with its own recruitment policies and the Canada Research Chairs program requirements, Université Laval is committed to promoting research excellence and training and ensuring equal opportunity for all qualified applicants. Université Laval upholds the principle that excellence and equity go hand in hand and recognizes that best practices for employment equity will result in the broadest possible pool of competent candidates.

Université Laval is committed to diversity and encourages all qualified individuals, in particular women, members of visible and ethnic minorities, Indigenous persons, and persons with disabilities, to apply to its faculties. Université Laval expects recruitment and nomination processes to respect equity standards, which include prioritizing, in the case of equivalent competence, individuals from underrepresented groups.

Cibles des établissements en matière d’équité fondées sur la population 2021-2029

National statistics are available on the Canada Research Chairs program website

Statistics and equity targets for Université Laval

Programme des chaires de recherche du Canada: méthode d’établissement des cibles en équité (2021-2029) (PDF)

Data as of June 2023

Note: In accordance with the Privacy Act, numbers under 5 have been omitted to protect chairholders’ personal information. 

Dans le chiffrier ci-joint, seules les cibles en nombre pour l’échéance de 2025 sont valides (surlignées en jaune). Les cibles en nombre pour les échéances subséquentes (2027 et 2029) sont à titre indicatif et seront mises à jour à l’hiver 2026 et 2028 en fonction du nombre de chaires actives à ces moments et des cibles en pourcentage inscrites dans le chiffrier. Le chiffrier à jour sera republié à chaque nouvelle échéance.

Université Laval seeks to increase awareness within the university community of its commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion under the Canada Research Chairs program. A four-pronged strategy will be rolled out to achieve this goal:

  • Demonstrate UL’s commitment to employment equity and diversity and the benefits of an inclusive and diverse workplace:
    • Statement by the Rector, the Vice Rector, International Affairs and Sustainable Development, and the Vice Rector, Research and Innovation (co-leads)
    • Adoption of a policy statement by the university’s board of directors, endorsed by its human resources committee
    • Communication of the key benefits of a diverse and inclusive workplace through meetings with senior university management, deans, vice deans, vice deans of research, and unit leaders
    • Launch of a dedicated website that will list the gaps to be filled for underrepresented groups along with expected results
    • Link to the dedicated website from the Research and Innovation section of the university’s main website and the Office of the Vice Rector, Human Resources website
  • Communicate criteria for maintaining institutional eligibility for the Canada Research Chairs program to various members of the university community, including university administrators, faculty deans, and heads of teaching and research units
  • Make online unconscious bias training mandatory for participation in Canada Research Chair selection committees

General responsibility

The Vice Rector of International Affairs and Sustainable Development and the Vice Rector, Research and Innovation are jointly responsible for drafting and rolling out the action plan. A working committee composed of members of the vice rectors’ offices was struck to develop the plan.

Development phase: Consultation and validation

The working committee responsible for developing the action plan will set up a consultation process with key stakeholders. During the development phase it will consult representatives of the following groups (among others): underrepresented groups, researchers, Canada Research Chairs, unit heads, vice deans of research, and deans. Key stakeholders will be asked to express their views, which will be incorporated into the action plan where appropriate.

Unions whose members are likely to apply for Canada Research Chairs will also be consulted on measures that may affect current hiring practices.

Action plan approval

After the consultations, the action plan will be submitted for approval, first to the Vice Rector, International Affairs and Sustainable Development and the Vice Rector, Research and Innovation, and then to the university’s executive committee. The plan will subsequently be presented to the university board’s human resources committee as part of the regular equity accountability reporting process.

Vice-rectorat à la recherche, à la création et à l’innovation (VRRCI)

Eugénie Brouillet
Vice-rectrice à la recherche, à la création et à l’innovation
Pavillon des Sciences de l'éducation
2320, rue des Bibliothèques, bureau 1434-A
Québec (Québec) G1V 0A6

Tél.: 418 656-2131, poste 402599

Alexandra Godbout
Conseillère en développement de la recherche
Pavillon Sciences de l'éducation, bureau 1470
Québec (Québec) G1V 0A6

Tél.:  418 656-2131, poste 407423

Marie-José Naud
Conseillère en équité, diversité et inclusion
Vice-rectorat à la recherche, à la création et à l’innovation (VRRCI)

Vice Rector, International Affairs and Sustainable Development

François Gélineau
Vice Rector, International Affairs and Sustainable Development, responsible for EDI and philanthropy
Pavillon des Sciences de l'éducation
2320 rue des Bibliothèques, Suite 1634
Québec City, QC G1V 0A6

Phone: 418 656-3573

Questions or concerns related to equity, diversity, and inclusion are handled by an official who reports to the Office of the Vice Rector for International Affairs and Sustainable Development. This person can be reached by email, phone, or in person. Depending on the nature of the request, he or she may answer questions about the staffing process, reporting and transparency requirements, definitions of target groups, self-identification, and career interruptions or refer the requestor to other avenues. Depending on the alleged violation, various remedies may be pursued, and the persons involved may be referred, among others, to their union, the Ombudsman, Commission des droits de la personne et de la jeunesse, or other internal or external organizations. 

Concerns reported to the person responsible for equity, diversity, and inclusion will be compiled and reported on a semi-annual basis to the Office of the Vice Rector for International Affairs and Sustainable Development and the Vice Rector, Research and Innovation. In addition, the Office of the Vice Rector for International Affairs and Sustainable Development will follow up with the university board of director’s human resources committee on a semi-annual basis. If necessary, the Office of the Vice Rector for International Affairs and Sustainable Development and the Office of the Vice Rector, Research and Innovation may take measures to address these concerns, including reviewing the action plan or its implementation.

Hiring rules for faculty are set out in the collective agreements concluded between Université Laval and Syndicat des professeurs et professeures de l’Université Laval (SPUL) and Université Laval and Association des médecins cliniciens enseignants de l’Université Laval (AMCEL).

SPUL agreement
AMCEL agreement

Management of Canada Research Chairs at Université Laval is described in detail in Section 2 of the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Action Plan  (PDF, French only), et est soumise aux règles des politiques institutionnelles notamment la Politique institutionnelle en matière d’équité, de diversité et d’inclusion .

Tier 1 Canada Research Chairs will not be eligible for a 3rd term. In addition, nominations aimed at urgently retaining a current Université Laval professor must be made through the open and transparent competitions organized to fill the available chairs.